Trademark Registration in Kerala: A Comprehensive Guide

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Trademark registration In Kerala is crucial for businesses looking to protect their brand identity and intellectual property. In Kerala, as in the rest of India, registering a trademark is governed by the Trademarks Act of 1999. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the steps, requirements, and benefits of trademark registration in Kerala.

Why Register a Trademark?

Legal Protection: Registering your trademark gives you the exclusive right to use it and provides legal protection against unauthorised use by others.

Brand Identity: A registered trademark helps build and maintain your brand identity, distinguishing your goods and services from competitors.

Business Asset: Trademarks are intangible assets that can be sold, licensed, or franchised.

Consumer Trust: A registered trademark enhances the credibility and trustworthiness of your business in the eyes of consumers.

Steps for Trademark Registration in Kerala

Objective: Conduct a thorough search to ensure your proposed trademark is unique and not already in use.

How to Do It: Use the online search tools on the Intellectual Property India website or consult a trademark attorney.

Form: Form TM-A is used to file a trademark application.

Information Required: Applicant's name, business type, address, trademark class, and a clear trademark representation.

Fee: The fee varies depending on the applicant type (individual, startup, small enterprise, or others).

Process: The trademark office examines the application for discrepancies or similarities with existing trademarks.


Outcome: If no objections are raised, the application is published in the Trademark Journal. If objections are raised, a response must be filed within the stipulated time.

Publication in Trademark Journal

Purpose: To allow the public to oppose the registration if they believe it infringes on their rights.

Duration: The trademark is published for four months.

Opposition Period

Scenario: If no opposition is filed, the trademark proceeds to registration. If opposition is filed, it leads to a hearing and decision.

Final Step: Upon successfully completing the opposition period with no objections or resolution of any opposition, the trademark is registered, and a registration certificate is issued.

Requirements for Trademark Registration

Applicant Details: Name, address, and nationality.

Trademark Details: Represent the trademark (logo, word, symbol, etc.).

Class of Goods/Services: Identification of the appropriate class under which the trademark will be registered.

Date of First Use: If the trademark is already in use, the date of first use must be provided.

Power of Attorney: If an agent or attorney is applying on behalf of the applicant.

Benefits of Trademark Registration in Kerala

Exclusive Rights: The registered trademark owner has exclusive rights to use the trademark for the specified goods or services. Multiclass Trademark Registration

Legal Recourse: Ability to take legal action against infringers.

Brand Recognition: Establishes brand recognition and consumer loyalty.

Intangible Asset: Adds value to your business as an intellectual property asset.

Nationwide Protection: Protects India, not just in Kerala.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Not Conducting a Trademark Search: This can lead to rejection due to conflicts with existing trademarks.

Incorrect Classification: Ensure you choose the correct class for your goods or services.

Incomplete Information: Providing complete and accurate information can ensure the process is completed on time.

Ignoring Renewal: Trademarks must be renewed every ten years to maintain protection.


Trademark registration in Kerala is essential for businesses to protect their brand and intellectual property. By following the proper procedures and ensuring all requirements are met, you can secure your trademark and enjoy its numerous benefits. If you find the process overwhelming, consulting with a trademark attorney can provide valuable guidance.

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