Streamlining Conversion: Private Limited to One Person Company (OPC) Online in Chennai, India

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Guide to Converting a Private Limited Company to an OPC in Chennai


Conversion of Private Limited Company into OPC One Person Company Chennai involves several legal and procedural steps. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of the conversion process, outlining the necessary steps and considerations for entrepreneurs and business owners looking to make this transition.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to convert a Private Limited Company into an OPC (One Person Company) in Chennai:

  1. Obtain a Director Identification Number (DIN) and Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) for the sole member/shareholder if not already obtained.
  2. Hold a board meeting to approve the conversion and pass necessary resolutions. 
  3. Check eligibility criteria and ensure compliance with the Companies Act, 2013.
  4. Amend the Memorandum and Articles of Association to reflect the Conversion of Private Limited Company into OPC One Person Company Chennai
  5. File Form MGT-14 with the Registrar of Companies (ROC) within 30 days of passing the board resolution.
  6. File Form INC-6 with ROC, along with the required documents, including an altered Memorandum and Articles of Association and a statement of solvency.
  7. Obtain a fresh certificate of incorporation from ROC upon approval of Form INC-6.
  8. Update all legal documents, contracts, and licenses with the new company details.
  9. Update PAN, GST, and other registrations with the new company structure.
  10. Notify stakeholders about the conversion, including banks, creditors, and suppliers.
  11. Complete any additional formalities required by the ROC or other regulatory authorities.

To ensure a smooth and compliant conversion, it's advisable to seek professional assistance from a company secretary or legal advisor.


Conversion of Private Limited Company into OPC One Person Company Chennai can streamline operations and provide sole proprietors flexibility while maintaining a corporate structure's benefits. By following the prescribed legal procedures and seeking professional guidance, entrepreneurs can navigate this conversion process smoothly and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

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  • Conversion of Private Limited to OPC in Chennai

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